Environmental news
- Lawrence Livermore earns Green Fleet Award for electric vehicle initiatives
(2023) - LLNL team wins $15 million to study how microbes affect carbon storage
(2021) - Lab presented with EPA Federal Green Challenge Award
(2020) - LLNL electric vehicle charging infrastructure recognized by U.S. EPA
(2019) - "DOE: Strategic Partnerships for Sustainability" category: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories Forge Ahead Towards Collaborative Sustainability Project
(2018) - "DOE: Innovative Approach to Sustainability" category: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Fleet of Sedans Goes Electric Project
(2018) - Laboratory pilots electric vehicle program
(November 2017) - Laboratory recognized for its sustainability
(September 2017) - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory receives sustainability award
(July 2016) - Energy and cost savings from LLNL data center consolidation earn DOE award
(January 2015) - Lab wins NNSA Sustainability Award
(December 2014) - LLNL sustainability efforts recognized by NNSA
(October 2013) - Research shows humans are primary cause of global ocean warming over past 50 years
(June 2012) - LLNL study finds current lemurs retreated to riparian environs
(May 2012) - Lawrence Livermore work may improve the efficiency of the biofuel production cycle
(May 2012) - LLNL receives three environmental awards from NNSA
(May 2012) - LLNL garners ‘Best in Class’ award from NNSA
(May 2012) - Frances Alston to lead Environmental Safety and Health at the Laboratory
(April 2012) - Power generation is blowing in the wind
(Jan. 2012) - Laboratory garners three pollution prevention awards
(April 2011)